Piute County in Utah uses area code 435. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Piute County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
550 North Main Street
Junction, Utah, 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2893
Fax: (435) 577-2894
550 North Main Street
P. O. Box 99
Junction, UT 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2840
Fax: (435) 577-2802
845 East 300 North
Richfield, UT 84740
Phone: (435) 896-2700
Fax: (435) 896-2743
21 North Main Street
Junction, Utah, 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2901
P. O. Box 116
Junction, Utah, 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2505
550 Main Street
Junction, Utah, 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2840
Fax: (435) 577-2433
550 Main Street
Junction, Utah, 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2893
Fax: (435) 577-2894
550 Main Street
Junction, UT 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2840
Fax: (435) 577-2433
155 North 200 West Street
Junction, Utah, 84740
Phone: (435) 577-2777
Ridgewood Place
West Jordan, Utah, 84088
Phone: (435) 577-2912